
Sunday, 1 July 2007


Before sleep,Morning,Middle of the day, and once in a while

God. l know u Are de one who created me
l'm Ur child. U know me personally.
U know my future. U have good future for me as aparent has good plans for his /her child.

Thank U for this day,Thank U for de life that U give me and so l have it.
lt is agift that U have given me.
l believe God with Ur help, l'm going to succeed,l know l'm going to succeed *4

l believe in U God that U have already solved my problems.
God continue to give me wisdom to succeed,l know this day willl be over (is over) and U will enable me to succeed.
l committ my self to U and de plans l have
l know this day is over lt was Ur day and l'm Ur child,take it and leave todays problems to U. l'm going to face tomorow as aman.

l'm going toface today as aman together with U
l believe in U God that l'm going tohave blessings from U this year *5
l'm going to succeed *5

If sick
l believe in U God
U gave me this life ,
l know l;m healed
l know l'm healed of this disease *6
l'm healed *10

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